Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Types of UV Radiation: Our Objective

There are three types of ultraviolet radiation.
  • UVC: The germicidal region, from 200-290 nm.
  • UVB: The erythmal region, from 290-320 nm, responsible for sunburns.
  • UVA: The 'tanning' region, from 320-400 nm, responsible for accelerated aging of the skin. 
UVA radiation is considered the most dangerous for several reasons.  Most ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth's surface is UVA.  Most photo sensitivity is caused by UVA.  Also, UVA radiation can pass through some glass and plastic while UVB generally cannot.  UVA is also the type of ultraviolet radiation responsible for loss of skin elasticity, which causes the aforementioned accelerated aging of the skin.

Our research will focus on blocking UVA and UVB using sunscreen that will be made from zinc oxide and curcumin.

-Alexandra Griffith

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